Cactus Arms — Robotulism

Текст песни Cactus Arms — Robotulism + аккорды для гитары


The chords in this song should be played as power and bar chords, like below.

   A  Cm  G  E  B  F

This isn't 100%, just as close as I could get. Suggestions are appreciated!

[Verse 1]
A                           Cm
I stumbled over something living 
                 B          A
making my way through the dark 
tripped over something that could surely 
    B                      A
rip these bones and flesh apart 
but it stayed still and calm 
          B            A
as if id done nothing wrong 
         Cm               B
i was scared but i walked on 

(Guitar bit, play thrashy)
A Cm G E
A Cm G F 

(just bass)
i know you know 
we've grown too comfortable in this home 

and the fuzz is onto us 
its time to go...we've gotta go! 

[Verse 2]
(guitar comes back)
A                           Cm            B       A
I've got a cellar full of evidence and cellular souls 
A                    Cm              B         A
I've got a Hallmark family hidden beneath my floor 
A                   Cm              B                A
I've got a smile smoldering like a row of burnt out black coals 
A                  Cm              B              A
I smell a certain serpent biting through the back door 
Cm               B
hate lives in a dumpster 

A    Cm   B     A
all hail scum baby!

Перевод песни Cactus Arms — Robotulism