Face to face — I Want

Текст песни Face to face — I Want + аккорды для гитары


Chords:		high F#
----- ----- -----    -----  -----    -----
----- ----- -----    -----  -----    -----
[--10- --7-- --5--] or [-----  --3--] or [-----]
--10- --7-- --5--    --10-  --3--    --8--
--8-- --5-- --3--    --10-  --1--    --8--
----- ----- -----    --8--  -----    --6--
   C       G
----- ----- -----
----- ----- --2--
----- ----- --2--
--3-- --5-- --2--
--3-- --5-- -----
--1-- --3-- -----

Intro/Chorus is
high F#
Verse is
F# -> G
ii dont' know the lil bridge thing between teh chorus and the verse but
it sounds sorta like the high e and b strings at fret one or somewhere
around there.
listen to the song and figure out the rhythm
this is my first attempt at tabbing..it's righti think..but i know i
didn't Do a good job presenting it..sorry

Перевод песни Face to face — I Want
