Half Man Half Biscuit — Left Lyrics In The Practice Room

Текст песни Half Man Half Biscuit — Left Lyrics In The Practice Room + аккорды для гитары


(intro E A B, E A B E x2)
E                              A
"Demon fiend, leave your tomb, seek out the Virgin womb"
B                          A
Hey Chris from Future Doom, you left your lyrics in the practice room.
E                               A
"Cackling hag astride the broom - what dread upon the spume?"
Hey Chris I understand your gloom
         A                                      E A B, E A B E
But come on, rock up - you're from Ilfracombe.
        A                                 E
Did you leave them there so that when the band who practice 8 'til 10
    Am                             B                               E
May read them and perhaps then say "we gotta meet this cat today!"
Whoh-oh Black Sabbath, bam-ba-lam
                                    G C# G C#
Whoh-oh Black Sabbath, bam-ba-lam.
    E                               A
You drink too much Oranjeboom; your jaw juts out like Mart Poom
B                       A
Dr. Desperate I presume? You left these in the waiting room
E                           A                              E A B A
How much more can I exhume, how much more can you consume?
(n.c.)     E                         A        B
Oh let the light from the lighthouse shine on me
        E                         A        B
Let the light from the lighthouse shine on me
        E                         A        B    E       A B, E A B E
Let the light from the lighthouse shine on me tonight.

Перевод песни Half Man Half Biscuit — Left Lyrics In The Practice Room
